

Cardiooncology is an interdisciplinary field of medicine where cardiovascular alterations due to different cancer treatments are studied. While essential for many patients, cancer treatment may result in serious side effects, including an increased risk of acute and late heart failure. At present, there is a lack of well-defined follow-up programs and clear-cut values for modifying or discontinuing cancer treatment due to cardiac side-effects.

Innovative techniques and automated measures have been demonstrated in research but are yet to be integrated and validated in clinical practice. This highlights the need for establishing robust follow-up protocols and implementing advanced monitoring techniques for better management of cardiovascular health in cancer patients. ProCardio’s research has this as a main focus, aiming to create better and tailored monitoring of cardiac function in cancer treated patients.


The Cardio-Oncology Dashboard application


T5 Teamleader

Sist oppdatert 08.07.2024