Preliminary program
Here are the confirmed titles and speakers as of May 29, 2024.
Confirmed titles and speakers
State of the art in early rehabilitation- what is the evidence
- Professor, David McWilliams
Humanization in the ICU
- PhD, Peter Nydahl
The history of ventilation therapy
- Professor, Louise Rose
Experiences from 15 years of follow-up clinics
- Professor, Peter Spronk
Inspiratory muscle training
- Physiotherapist, Marine Van Hollebeke
CPAx European consensus
- Physiotherapist, Frances Eriksson
Hope in ICU patients
- Professor, Tone Rustøen
Pathway for early rehabilitation
- Associate Professor, Tom Tørhaug
No sedation and early rehabilitation
- Professor, Tomas Strøm
Prevention of delirium
- MD and PhD student, Ivan Rimstad
VR and early rehabilitation
- CCN, Kate Tantam
Multidisciplinary collaboration
- Social worker
Social Media and early rehabilitation
- PhD, Antonija Petosic
Trauma patients experiences of rehabilitation pathways
- RN and PhD Student, Jeanette Finstad
Early rehabilitation in practice and FITT-guidelines
- PhD Cheryl Hickman
Other confirmed speakers:
- Professor Em. Rik Gosselink
- PhD Bronwen Connolly
- Professor Nick Hart
More presentations and entertainment are under planning
Sist oppdatert 29.05.2024