
The Congress Committee of 9th European conference on weaning and rehabilitation in critically ill patients, welcomes the submission of abstracts.  

The abstract submission system will close on 20th August 2024. 

All abstracts will be reviewed blindly by members of an abstract committee.  Author names, affiliations, and institutions will be removed during this process. Reviewers consider the abstract on the basis of the following items: 

  • Relevance/importance of topic
  • Methodological approach
  • Data analysis and presentation
  • Interpretation of the findings and impact for clinical practice
  • Overall quality of presentation – style, legibility

The authors will be informed of acceptance or rejection of their abstract by e-mail. All accepted abstracts will be presented at the conference either in form or a poster or an oral presentation.  

Presenters of the best poster and the best oral presentation will receive an award. 

The maximum length of abstracts is 2500 characters.  

The abstract must include: 

  • Project title
  • Purpose of the project
  • Clinical and/or scientific background for the project
  • Methodological approach
  • Results
  • Short description of how the results will impact patients/clinicians/the health service, and why the results are important for clinical practice

Submit abstract here

Sist oppdatert 21.05.2024