Virtual Kick-off 2021
- Although we look forward to meeting each other in person, a virtual kick-off was an excellent and great way for all partners to "meet" and discuss says Center Director, Kristina Haugaa

The new SFI (Center for Research and Innovation), ProCardio, led by Kristina Haugaa, OUS, held a Kick-off meeting on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of January.
The event was originally planned for Holmen Fjordhotell, but due to Covid restrictions, it was arranged online. OUS is the host institution for the ProCardio center and has both academic and industrial partners. The goal of the center is to bring in new, better solutions for cardiological patient treatment in collaboration with industry and thereby create innovation.
The meeting included presentations from all partners, as well as presentations about the collaboration in the center. There were also sessions for clinical and technical discussions in small groups. It is always a bit of a technical challenge when everything has to be kept online, but it worked very well in our case. This was thanks to the good organization of our coordinator Maria Ruud, and everyone who contributed with presentations and good ideas that we will continue to work with, said Kristina Haugaa.
Nevertheless, we look forward to a meeting in the spring that we hope will be with physical attendance.