ProCardio in media
Below you find a collection of our research group's media appearances and coverage. From television interview and newspaper articles to podcast features and online publications, explore the wide reach and impact of our research findings.

- GE HealthCare’s Samset on how deal led to building Caption AI for Vscan and securing FDA approval
- UiO Podcast: Up close with Heart Researcher Kristina Haugaa
- Collaboration with the University of Minnesota on Lamin A/C cardiomyopathy
- ESC TV Today
- Kristina Haugaa is the 2nd most publishing female researcher in Norway.
Disse forskerne publiserer mest i Norge. Read the article at (in norwegian). - Interview with Pål Brekke (OUS/DIPS), about his interest og investment in using technology to simplify and improve the daily life of both healthcare providers and patients. Read interview in norwegian: "Dobbeltagent for en enklere hverdag"
- "Nya riktlinjer för kardiomyopati slår ett slag för gentestning". Kristina Haugaa interviewed by about the new European Guidelines on Cardiomyopathy (in Swedish)
- "Maja (19) fikk hjertestans" Kristina Haugaa interviewed about hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and cardiac arrest by (in Norwegian).
- "Høyere antall hjertedødsfall knyttes ikke til vaksiner". Read the full article where Professor Thor Edvardsen is interviewed by (in norwegian.
- "Hjertesakene som skremmer". Kristina Haugaa interwed about sudden cardiac arrest in Soccer by Aftenposten (in norwegian).
- "Hjertet fungerer normalt hos de fleste som har hatt Covid-19". Jorun Tangen interviewed about her study on cardiac function after Covid-19 by (in norwegian).
- "Ny forskning: Barn kan også utvikle idrettshjerte". Anders Wold Bjerring interviewed about his research on cardiac function in cross-country skiers aged 12, 15 and 18 years old. Read the article on (in norwegian).
- Genetic heart disease is a collective term for a number of different inherited heart diseases such as cardiomyopathies and ion channel diseases. ProCardio researcher, Marit Kristine Smedsrud, has summarized information about different genetic heart diseases on "The Norwegian Association for Children with Congenital Heart Disease"-website (in norwegian).
- The management of Coronary artery disease; the pathway from early detection, diagnosis and treatment, to follow-up. Eigil Samset, Chair of Board walk you through pathway in this video on Youtube.
- "Disse hjertesykdommene kan du arve" Kristina Haugaa interviewed abot genetic heart disease by
- "Bouvet-datter rigget for datarevolusjon". Axel Borge and Sesam interviwed about their new techology by Fianasavisen (in norwegian).
- HealthTalk-podcasten. Eigil Samset talks about how artificial intelligence will become a powerful tool in the hands of cardiologist.
- Elin Bjurstrøm and Kristin Nordvoll, nurses at the unit for Genetic Cardiac diseases (OUS), discuss some of the most common genetic cardiac diseases, treatment options, and how- and where to seek more information. Genetisk hjertesykdom on Vimeo (video in norwegian).
Last updated 9/11/2024