The IMPROVE study

Improved Prediction of Clinical Outcome With the Use of Myocardial Strain in Patients with Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure: The IMPROVE study is an international multi-center study aimed to investigate whether global strain and mechanical dispersion, in addition to left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), can improve the prediction of clinical outcomes (death and life-threatening arrhythmias) in patients with myocardial infarction and heart failure, regardless of cause.

The study hypothesizes that these methods will better predict death and arrhythmias, leading to improved patient selection for implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) and optimized medical treatment.

The study includes five centers in Norway: Sørlandet Hospital, Vestre Viken Drammen, Stavanger University Hospital, University Hospital of North Norway Tromsø and Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet. Since its inception, the study has enrolled a total of 2800 patients with acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, and primary preventive ICD with echocardiography. Participants are followed for five years, with endpoints including all-cause mortality and ventricular arrhythmias. We believe that the IMPROVE study has the potential to significantly impact clinical practice by improving patient outcomes.

More information about The IMPROVE Study here (in Norwegian)

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Mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome - a prospective 5-year follow-up study

Researchers involved:

Thuy Mi Nguyen, MD/PhD fellow, OUS

Marianne Inngjerdingen Forså, MD/PhD fellow, OUS

Daniela Melichova, MD/PhD fellow, Hospital of Southern Norway

Jireh Tang, PhD-MD student, UiO/OUS



Last updated 7/12/2024