Heart Research Prize 2024

Center leader Kristina Haugaa received The Heart Research Prize 2024 for her groundbreaking work on severe genetic heart disorders and the prevention of sudden cardiac death.

Published 5/6/2024
Last updated 6/11/2024
A group of women holding flowers
Award winners Saltvedt and Haugaa together with HKH Crown princess Mette-Marit. Photo: The Norwegian Health Association

The Heart Research Prize is awarded annualy by The Norwegian Health Association to a researcher in Norway who maintains high professional standards and can demonstrate significant achievements in the field of cardiology.

Professor Kristina Haugaa was presented with the award by H.R.H Crown Princess Mette-Marit during a formal ceremony at the Norwegian Theatre on April 15.

- "This award means a great deal. First and foremost, it is crucial for all patients with genetic heart diseases and their families," says Haugaa. She further adds, "Of course, the award is also important for me and my research team. We have worked together for many years on research related to genetic heart diseases. It is truly gratifying to receive recognition for this."

Read more about The Heart Research Prize 2024 on The Norwegian Health Association website (in norwegian). 

A full interview with award winner Kristina Haugaa can be found here (in norwegian).